Bad Breath & The Battle of Bacteria

Bad Breath & The Battle of BacteriaFrom HealthSouth NewsBy Gary Gately Do you have bad breath, really bad breath? It might not be the garlic or onions, coffee or alcohol. Rather, a new study links it to the types of bacteria that dominate the back portion of the top of your tongue. Some bacteria protect…

Are over–the-counter mouth rinses of any benefit to a halitosis condition?

The mouth rinse industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and it is thriving quite well these days. There are all types of mouth rinses of which some cater to resolving bad breath conditions, while others are for preventing tooth decay, and some are geared towards preventing gum disease. Some mouth rinses even claim to prevent…


A dry mouth condition, known as xerostomia, is one of the more common causes of halitosis. It also is a common reason why people suffering from xerostomia experience increased tooth decay and gum disease. Saliva plays many important roles in the oral environment. When there is a deficiency in salivary production the bacterial concentrations in…

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How to Stop Morning Breath

Morning breath is an unfortunate fact of life. It affects everyone to some degree. Even individuals who have never struggled with halitosis will most likely have offensive breathe first thing in the morning. And while there are things that can exasperate bad morning breath such as medical conditions, medications, diet and lifestyle, morning breath is…